Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Texas agriculture isn’t black and white

By Julie Vrazel T-shirts aren’t one-size-fits-all, so why should Texas agriculture be that way? The Lone Star State is uniquely different from the other 49 states in countless ways. Our state is growing exponentially as families relocate here, and oftentimes, we experience all four seasons in one day. Just as the people and weather are [...]

Busting beef nutrition myths

By Julie Vrazel Eating preferences—we all have them. Some choose to be vegetarians, while others pursue the vegan route. Then, there are folks—myself included—who are omnivores. Growing up on my family’s cow-calf operation in Central Texas, there was only one way to eat—a balanced meal that included meat and vegetables. But I was an open-minded [...]

Safe. From our farm to your table.

By Shannon Sparks Being a mother isn’t always easy. But it’s always worth it. You want the best for your children, but sometimes you question the decisions you make. Do we buy the expensive baby swing or do we opt for the more economical one? What are the right food choices for nutrition and safety? [...]

Caring for cattle like they’re family

By Lee Brown In the era of technology, it seems we’ve forgotten how to talk to each other and ask questions before making judgments. It’s becoming routine to see an article about today’s food supply with endless comments from folks who never took the time to ask a farmer about their food. As a first [...]

Celebrating foods and fibers and the men and women who grow them

By Gene Hall Organic. Conventional. Natural. Modern. Local. Grassfed. Grainfed. The choices are endless for consumers when it comes to food and the farmers and ranchers who grow it. Confusion often reigns as some with evangelical zeal turn up their noses at how you like to eat. Scare tactics are used by everyone from multi-billion-dollar [...]