Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



My food bucket list

By Jessica Domel I have a confession to make. I never made a bucket list. I have dreams and aspirations, but I never really sat down and put the pen to paper. Well, that all changed Saturday. I blame the Food Network. I was watching a food challenge of some sort and got the idea [...]

July 29, 2014|Categories: Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Busting beef nutrition myths

By Julie Vrazel Eating preferences—we all have them. Some choose to be vegetarians, while others pursue the vegan route. Then, there are folks—myself included—who are omnivores. Growing up on my family’s cow-calf operation in Central Texas, there was only one way to eat—a balanced meal that included meat and vegetables. But I was an open-minded [...]

A mom’s take: Healthy food choices should be a choice

By Amanda Hill I consider myself pretty health conscious. Each week, my grocery cart is filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese. I like serving home-cooked meals made from fresh, flavorful ingredients. Cooking healthy food, for me, is a way to take care of my family. [...]

No food fights here

By Jessica Domel For two days, I waited for the battle royale to begin in my refrigerator, but alas, every time I opened the door I found a plain looking head of organic cabbage hanging out on the bottom shelf with my traditionally-grown carrots and cilantro. After all that’s been posted on Facebook lately about [...]

February 4, 2014|Categories: Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

White Chili

By Kelly Bogard There is nothing that makes me happier than taking care of my family. Making sure that D and Butters are well cared for is at the top of my to do list daily. But in order to take care of them, I have to take care of me. Eating healthy is just [...]