Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Roasted Sweet Potatoes

By Kelly Bogard There are certain things that are sacred about Thanksgiving at our home. I do not know if this happens in every family in the U.S., or the South or Texas or maybe we are weird, but there are certain things that have remained the same for as long as I can remember [...]

Green Bean Bundles

By Kelly Bogard Have you ever looked at a recipe and thought, "Oh my, that is just too fancy"? Or have you seen the actual dish at a dinner party and thought, "There is no way I could ever be a good enough cook to make that"? Well, I have a confession to make...sometimes I [...]

November 15, 2013|Categories: Featured, Holiday Treats, Recipes, Side Dishes, Vegetables|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Baked Chicken Parmesan

By Kelly Bogard Do you ever just have one of those weeks where it seems like you are just too busy to cook?  Too busy to eat right and you end up having pizza or burgers every night?  We have those weeks at our house, too.  And even though the occasional pizza or burger is [...]

Back to Basics: Banana Nut Bread

By Kelly Bogard There's a nip in the air. Yes, I know it's not much and many of us have yet to put away our summer sandals around here, but, according to the calendar, there should be one. So for today, let's just pretend. One of my favorite things about fall is the chance to [...]

Fall Favorites

By Kelly Bogard So right now many of you are probably gearing up for Halloween festivities next week. We are, too! This week will be filled with last minute additions to the mermaid costumes my mother so lovingly put together for both "Butters" and my niece. We will also be decorating pumpkins and cooking some last [...]