Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



No two farms are alike and that’s okay

By Julie Tomascik T-shirts aren’t one-size-fits-all, so why should Texas agriculture be that way? The Lone Star State is uniquely different from the other 49 states in countless ways. Our state is growing exponentially as families relocate here, and oftentimes, we experience all four seasons in one day. Just as the people and weather are [...]

Organic v. conventional: What’s the difference?

By Amy Halfmann I love grocery pickup. Order online, someone fights the crowds for you, the babies sleep while another someone loads the groceries. What could be the problem? Accidentally selecting the wrong groceries. Sometimes online shopping can be deceiving. I thought I was buying plain ole yellow squash and zucchini. Except when I got [...]

Can biotechnology save our bananas?

By Jessica Domel Our bananas are in danger. Biotechnology, or genetic engineering, may be the only thing that can save them. Over the past decade, Fusarium Wilt has destroyed tens of thousands of Cavendish banana plantations in Australia and Southeast Asia. Scientists say Latin America is likely next. To save the Cavendish, which represents 99 [...]

Who’s wrong? Who’s right?

By Jessica Domel Every day we face small battles. The battle to be on time. The battle to do your best. The battle to make ourselves happy. But lately, many of us have found ourselves battling something else entirely–one another. On Facebook and Twitter, I find long-time friends and even family members arguing about things [...]

July 12, 2016|Categories: Featured|Tags: , , , , , , |1 Comment

What’s wrong with a label?

By Jessica Domel One of our nation’s smallest states is making big waves across the nation. And it could soon affect every food product we buy. Months ago, Vermont announced it would require all food suppliers to label their products if they contained any genetically modified ingredients, beginning July 1. As we near that deadline, [...]

May 31, 2016|Categories: Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , , |1 Comment