Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Can biotechnology save our bananas?

By Jessica Domel Our bananas are in danger. Biotechnology, or genetic engineering, may be the only thing that can save them. Over the past decade, Fusarium Wilt has destroyed tens of thousands of Cavendish banana plantations in Australia and Southeast Asia. Scientists say Latin America is likely next. To save the Cavendish, which represents 99 [...]

Chipotle: Marketing machine or responsible food supplier?

By Julie Tomascik No more GMOs? That’s the route Chipotle announced it’s taking. Because the burrito giant wants to sell food with “integrity.” I admire that. But I don’t admire the fear-driven marketing scheme that misleads consumers like you and me. The marketing plan they use 365 days a year. Chipotle wants you to believe [...]