Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Texans make no ‘misteak’

 By Nathan Smith Texans know a good steak when we find it, and last weekend I found more than one at the 8th Annual Texas Steak Cookoff in Hico. Don’t let the event’s name fool you, though. All the major food groups were represented: chicken, pork, crawfish, duck, dove, all manner of roughage and, of course, [...]

Chicken Rockefeller

By Kelly Bogard Everyone likes different things at my house. I like chicken and spinach, my husband likes chicken and cheese, and our two-year-old loves spinach and cheese. Cooking for a family can be challenging, but that's what makes it fun for me. I love meals that sound fancy but are really simple to make. [...]

April 29, 2011|Categories: Chicken, Main Dishes, Recipes|Tags: , , |3 Comments