Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

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/Tag:food products

Finally, a film worth waiting for

By Jessica Domel When I hear the word “documentary,” rarely does “Oh, I must see that” come to mind. In fact, it’s usually the farthest thing from it. Last week, the trailer for a new documentary changed that for me. It’s called Farmland and it’s a feature-length film by award-winning filmmaker James Moll, with support [...]

November 5, 2013|Categories: Featured|Tags: , |0 Comments

Back to Basics: Banana Nut Bread

By Kelly Bogard There's a nip in the air. Yes, I know it's not much and many of us have yet to put away our summer sandals around here, but, according to the calendar, there should be one. So for today, let's just pretend. One of my favorite things about fall is the chance to [...]

Sandwich maker meets specialty crops

By Julie Vrazel Growing up on our farm, I spent most of my time outside and as far away from the kitchen as possible. Perfecting my mud pie recipe was the result of those years spent outside, while my kitchen skills remained practically nonexistent until a few months ago. Sparked by the diversity of foods [...]

Fall Favorites

By Kelly Bogard So right now many of you are probably gearing up for Halloween festivities next week. We are, too! This week will be filled with last minute additions to the mermaid costumes my mother so lovingly put together for both "Butters" and my niece. We will also be decorating pumpkins and cooking some last [...]

Farm visits help connect the dots

By Julie Vrazel Milk comes from a cow, a loaf of bread starts in the field and farmers work every day. Agritourism–the intersection between agriculture and tourism–is a growing trend fueled by you, the consumer, having an interest in learning more about the food you eat. There are agritourism locations across the state–farms and ranches [...]

October 15, 2013|Categories: Featured|Tags: , , , |0 Comments