Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Farming ain’t easy

By Julie Tomascik You think farming is easy? It can seem that way from the outside looking in. Plant seeds. Watch them grow. And harvest the crop a few months later. That’s how it works in our gardens, right? Yes. But this is different. It’s running tractors and plows. Early mornings. Night owls. Farmers and [...]

Chicken Pot Pie

By Kelly Bogard There's just something comforting about a warm meal after a long day. And when it's classic comfort food, it seems to melt the troubles of the day away. I think pies are tasty comfort food. I'll take pie or quiche loaded with meat and veggies over a sweet one most any day. [...]

Five reasons to visit the State Fair of Texas

It’s that time of year, y’all. The State Fair of Texas is back with all its fried food goodness, exciting experiences and exhibition of some of our state’s finest livestock. In short, it’s my favorite time of the year. Here’s five reasons why: 1. The Big Texas Choice Awards. Each year, the vendors from the [...]

Categories: Agriculture Policy, Featured, Texas Agriculture|

Fried Ice Cream

By Kelly Bogard Let the fried food fest begin. It's fair season in Texas. From county fairs to state events like the Heart O' Texas Fair & Rodeo here in Waco and the State Fair of Texas in Dallas, lots of food will be fried. And memories made! When I think of fair food, turkey [...]

Transformation Tuesday: Rice

By Shala Gean Rice. It’s a staple in many homes across the U.S. and the world. Fried rice. Spanish rice. It can be mixed with vegetables, soups and even used in desserts like rice pudding. Rice is one of the oldest known foods consumed by humans. It is tiny, but mighty. And packed with nutrients! [...]

Chorizo Stuffed Mushrooms

By Kelly Bogard Entertaining is one of my favorite activities, which is great since I love to cook and visit with family and friends. Tasty appetizers are an important piece of the entertainment puzzle, and I'm always looking for a new recipe or way to elevate every party with a new dish. Putting a twist on [...]