Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



5 Super Soups

By Kelly Bogard Soups and stews are a mainstay in our house through the fall and winter months. There's just something soothing about that warm, savory meal that makes my soul happy. We are just past our second cold front of the year here is Central Texas, and my soup pot is screaming to get [...]

Pesto Peppers

By Kelly Bogard Texas rice is having a record year with some of the highest yields in the nation for 2017. And that's great news for Texas rice lovers like me. My favorite rice variety is called Texmati. I used it in a Spanish Rice recipe a few years back. I love the buttery flavor of [...]

Transformation Tuesday: Rice

By Shala Gean Rice. It’s a staple in many homes across the U.S. and the world. Fried rice. Spanish rice. It can be mixed with vegetables, soups and even used in desserts like rice pudding. Rice is one of the oldest known foods consumed by humans. It is tiny, but mighty. And packed with nutrients! [...]

Stuffed Bell Peppers

By Kelly Bogard Roadside stands and farmers markets are the place to be this time of year. The sights, sounds and people make for a fun trip. And the tasty fruits, vegetables and goodies are the perfect take-aways! There’s a lot to love about Texas. And our abundance of farmers markets is one of them! [...]

Warm Rice Salad

By Kelly Bogard From patties to flour, rice is a versatile ingredient. Nutritious? It sure is! A common staple in homes across Texas and the U.S., this carbohydrate is high in fiber and magnesium. And it’s good for heart health! Besides its health benefits, rice is an important crop for Texas farmers. It’s grown along [...]