Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

gluten free recipe

/Tag:gluten free recipe


By Kelly Bogard January is National Baking Month. And for some of us, it's like getting an extra holiday after the holidays. Baking can be therapeutic. It’s a creative outlet, stimulates the senses and serves as nourishment. The smells that fill the kitchen are an added bonus. And baking for entertaining, well, that’s where we get [...]

Pear Skillet Cake with Sorghum Flour

By Kelly Bogard Sorghum. It’s not as well-known for cooking, but it’s a great choice for many people. Especially those with a gluten intolerance. You see, sorghum is gluten-free and grown right here in Texas. Chances are you’ve seen it driving down the highway and didn't know it. Versatile and with many names, it’s a [...]

Warm Rice Salad

By Kelly Bogard From patties to flour, rice is a versatile ingredient. Nutritious? It sure is! A common staple in homes across Texas and the U.S., this carbohydrate is high in fiber and magnesium. And it’s good for heart health! Besides its health benefits, rice is an important crop for Texas farmers. It’s grown along [...]