Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.


/Jessica Domel

About Jessica Domel

Field Editor Texas Farm Bureau As a farmer's daughter and granddaughter, I believe life is best experienced on the farm. I believe Texas agriculture is the backbone of our economy, and we should be proud to show our Texas roots. Follow Jessica on Twitter.

How do Texas farmers feed the world?

By Jessica Domel For years, I’ve heard “American farmers are feeding the world.” And I never really thought much about it. It makes sense to me. They grow food. People eat food. Done. But the logic of HOW this happens didn’t really hit home to me until this year when a pair of Texas rice [...]

‘Tis the season for a food thermometer

By Jessica Domel With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, loved ones gathering and kids out of school, it can be easy to overlook even the simplest tasks. I typically forget at least one or two items on the grocery list, for example. We’re pulled in so many directions this time of [...]

Transformation Tuesday: From field to fabric

By Jessica Domel Take a drive through Texas this time of year and you're bound to find a field or two of white, fluffy cotton. It's an economic staple in Texas, and we're the top cotton-producing state! Cotton undergoes an amazing transformation to get from fields to our homes. First, it's not just used for [...]

November 10, 2015|Categories: Cotton, Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments

What’s the beef with beef?

By Jessica Domel Beef. It is STILL what's for dinner in my home. I’ve seen a plethora of news stories and online posts sensationalizing a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization, that claims processed meats like bacon could cause cancer. These reports go on to say [...]

October 27, 2015|Categories: Beef, Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Celebrating sorghum

By Jessica Domel Whether you’re shipping a package to grandma, enjoying a gluten-free cereal or simply feeding the chickens, you’re using one of the world’s most versatile crops–sorghum. Sometimes called maize or milo, grain sorghum is planted across the globe because it adapts so easily to almost any environment. We use it for all kinds [...]