Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Transformation Tuesday: Grain Sorghum

By Jessica Domel In the field, restaurant and your home, grain sorghum is a small grain that packs a big punch. Drive around Texas right now and you’re sure to see some of the high-energy, drought-tolerant crop. While some farmers are already harvesting the crop, others anxiously await their turn to bring in the colorful [...]

July 26, 2016|Categories: Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , , , , |3 Comments

Celebrating sorghum

By Jessica Domel Whether you’re shipping a package to grandma, enjoying a gluten-free cereal or simply feeding the chickens, you’re using one of the world’s most versatile crops–sorghum. Sometimes called maize or milo, grain sorghum is planted across the globe because it adapts so easily to almost any environment. We use it for all kinds [...]