Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

transformation tuesday

/Tag:transformation tuesday

Transformation Tuesday: Corn

By Jennifer Dorsett When we think of corn, we tend to think of plump, yellow kernels slathered in butter. Or some of us might picture those fields with rows and rows of tall plants that are grown along so many Texas highways. But corn is pretty much all around us all the time. It’s food, feedstock, [...]

Transformation Tuesday: Peanuts

By Jennifer Dorsett A snack for America’s favorite pastime. Tasty homemade candy and nut mixes. Or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich just the way you like it—a thick smear of peanut butter and the crusts cut off. What do they all have in common? Peanuts. But how do they get from the field to [...]

Transformation Tuesday: Soybeans

By Jessica Domel If you take medication, bake, eat salad or cereal, soybeans play a role in your life. They’re used in a wide spectrum of products. Soybean oil, for example, is used to make margarine, salad dressing and other cooking oils. It’s also used in biodiesel and plastics. Lecithin, which is in soybean oil [...]

Transformation Tuesday: From field to fabric

By Jessica Domel Take a drive through Texas this time of year and you're bound to find a field or two of white, fluffy cotton. It's an economic staple in Texas, and we're the top cotton-producing state! Cotton undergoes an amazing transformation to get from fields to our homes. First, it's not just used for [...]

November 10, 2015|Categories: Cotton, Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments

Transformation Tuesday: Wheat field to kitchen table

By Michelle Hochstein Fresh bread, warm from the oven. Cereal, morning or midnight. Flour to bake a cake. Noodles for spaghetti. What do all of these have in common? Wheat. It’s the primary grain used in foods we love to eat. Pastries. Crackers. And don’t forget tortillas. In fact, about three-quarters of all U.S. grain-based [...]