Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.


/Jessica Domel

About Jessica Domel

Field Editor Texas Farm Bureau As a farmer's daughter and granddaughter, I believe life is best experienced on the farm. I believe Texas agriculture is the backbone of our economy, and we should be proud to show our Texas roots. Follow Jessica on Twitter.

Five differences between field, sweet corn

By Jessica Domel From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you lie down at night, corn is in your life. It could be in your bedding, carpet, fuel, soda, beef, Crayons, plastic and more. But not all corn is made the same. In fact, the majority of corn you see [...]

July 21, 2015|Categories: Corn, Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Creating cheap, colorful summer fun with cornstarch

By Jessica Domel We've hit the dog days of summer, but that doesn't mean the rest of your kids' break has to be ho-hum. In fact, with some every day kitchen items, it can be tons of fun! To make corn putty, you'll need: 1 cup cornstarch 1/4 cup + 1 tablespoon water Food coloring [...]

July 7, 2015|Categories: Featured, Tips & Tools|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Five facts for a dairy good month

By Jessica Domel Cool off with a bowl of ice cream. Delight in a glass of milk. Savor the yogurt. While you're tantalizing your taste buds with your chosen treat, glance over these Dairy Month facts that can't be beat. Love ice cream? It takes about 12 pounds of milk (about a gallon and a half) [...]

Are all farmers rich?

By Jessica Domel Some think farmers are rich. Others say they’re poor. Who’s right? The answer is both. People see our family farm and others like it and think, “They own all that land. They must be rich!” Some farmers inherit their land, like we did, from generations long gone. Some bought it in a [...]

Talking Texas Taters

By Jessica Domel Taters. Spuds. No matter what you call them, millions around the world eat them every day. These starchy tubers can be cut into French fries, sliced into potato chips and, if I'm lucky, smashed into my aunt's potato salad. I’m celebrating all things potato this week. Here’s five fun facts about Texas [...]