Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Chocolate Delight Popcorn

By Kelly Bogard Some of you may know and others may not, but we have a special arrival coming this week.  Well, not us, but a very important member of our staff.  Amanda Hill and her husband, Erik, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first baby.  By the time you read this, they probably [...]

April 19, 2013|Categories: Desserts, Featured, Kid-Friendly Meals, Recipes|Tags: , |0 Comments

Strawberry Banana Smoothies

By Kelly Bogard I have strawberries running through my mind right now.  I get so excited when I see those little red beauties show up in the produce section of the grocery store.  I know that means summer is coming.  And even though the Texas weather has been a bit unpredictable this week, I still [...]

April 12, 2013|Categories: Berries, Kid-Friendly Meals, Recipes|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Strawberry Banana Smoothies

Bunny Cakes

By Kelly Bogard Hippity hop, hippity hop! It's time for that little cotton tail. And I know just what to make him or her, whatever the case may be. You may already have your Easter menu planned, but before you head to the grocery store, let me give you one more idea. Here's a sweet [...]

Stuffed Avocados

By Kelly Bogard March 20 was the official beginning of spring. The trees are budding, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. The summer vegetables are starting their journey. There is a spring fruit that's in full glory right now, though—the avocado. Right now, they are readily available and at a good price! Avocados  have some major [...]

March 22, 2013|Categories: Beef, Beef, Featured, Main Dishes, Recipes, Vegetables|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Golden Mint Truffles

By Kelly Bogard I found it! The end of the rainbow where the gold is hidden. It won't make me rich, but it sure does taste good. I'm talking about "out-of-this-world good" truffles that don't take forever to make. And since I will be very busy this weekend with a certain little someone's birthday (Happy [...]

March 15, 2013|Categories: Desserts, Featured, Holiday Treats, Recipes|Tags: , , |0 Comments