Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



A Texas Turkey Day feast

Thanksgiving Day. Families and friends gather together to celebrate one another. And the blessings they’ve enjoyed over the past year. A time of food, fellowship and fun. And a day to be thankful. For the food on the table. And the food that nourishes our bodies all year long. Did you know essentials of the [...]

Pecan Pie

By Kelly Bogard Get out your stretchy pants! Thanksgiving dinner will be ready on Thursday. And there are so many tasty foods that make up a Thanksgiving meal. Family and friends are the most important on this day of thanks for the bountiful harvest. But next comes the food. Everything you can imagine ends up [...]

Mexican Fudge

By Kelly Bogard The holidays are officially here and crazy schedules have ensued.  Between school programs, business trips, Christmas parties and family gatherings, I feel like I might just lose it.  What saves me? My kitchen. When I walk into a kitchen, as most of the time it is not mine, it's like I'm transported [...]

December 13, 2013|Categories: Desserts, Featured, Pecans, Recipes|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Giving thanks

By Jessica Domel If you've been on Facebook at all lately, you've most likely seen dozens of posts from people who are part of an ongoing project during the month of November where they post each day about things for which they are thankful. I haven't joined in yet, but I think the project has merit. [...]

November 6, 2012|Categories: Specialty Crops, Texas Products|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Everyone loves Texas pecans

By Nathan Smith Calling all nuts out there—pecan nuts, that is. Pecans always remind me of my grandfather, who used to sit on his porch swing, sheller in hand, passing them out to his grandchildren running by. He talked about what to look for in a ripe pecan and taught us tricks to cracking them with [...]

December 6, 2011|Categories: Specialty Crops, Texas Products|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments