Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

farmers and ranchers

/Tag:farmers and ranchers

Finding inspiration across Texas

By Jessica Domel I spend a lot of time looking for inspiration. I scroll through Twitter. I look at Facebook. I read a lot of books. But over the years, I've found that my greatest source of inspiration and creativity is people. I can capture a hundred great photos of wildflowers that people will like. [...]

A case of Spring Fever

I’ll admit it. I have a severe case of Spring Fever. The soil is calling my name, and I’m itching to dig my fingers in it. Getting outdoors and embracing nature just does something good for the soul. It’s why farmers and ranchers enjoy their jobs. And it’s one of the many reasons I enjoy [...]

Panel has ‘beef’ with eating meat

By Jessica Domel Imagine a world with very little beef, chicken, pork and turkey. A world where your main options are fruits, vegetables and grains. Butter, ice cream, cheese and milk are to be used sparingly. With the abundance of choices at our local grocery stores and farmers’ markets, it’s almost hard to imagine. But [...]

4 snowpocalypse farm and ranch chores

By Julie Tomascik Misting rain, sleet, snow and ice. It’s agriculture’s frenemy. You know, friend and enemy. And this year’s Texas snowpocalypse was no exception. We need the moisture for crops and pastures to grow this spring—the friendly part that comes from the snowy mess. But it makes a tough enemy, increasing the difficulty of [...]

Ag needs an awards show

By Jessica Domel Are highly-paid actors and actresses more important than the men and women who dedicate their lives to growing the food that nourishes our bodies and feeds our families? I don't think so. But for some reason, my Twitter timeline Sunday and Monday were consumed by photos, updates and snarky quips about the [...]

February 24, 2015|Categories: Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , |0 Comments