Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



National Ag Day is about consumers, too

By Julie Tomascik Consumers. Shopping in the grocery store, browsing online boutiques or fueling up at the gas station. You. Yes, you. You’re the ying to agriculture’s yang. Without buyers, nothing is for sale. That makes you part of National Ag Day and every day. The conversation around today’s celebration and awareness of agriculture is [...]

Pesto Peppers

By Kelly Bogard Texas rice is having a record year with some of the highest yields in the nation for 2017. And that's great news for Texas rice lovers like me. My favorite rice variety is called Texmati. I used it in a Spanish Rice recipe a few years back. I love the buttery flavor of [...]

Take a ride on the agricultural roller coaster

By Julie Tomascik Up. Down. Around the turn. Fast. Then slow. Each roller coaster ride is a little bit different. And, even if you think you know what’s coming, you’re still in for a bit of a shock. It’s no different in farming and ranching. Each year, farmers and ranchers hop on and hang on [...]

Top 5 spring break treats

By Kelly Bogard Spring Break is here. We're on break this week, but I know many of you are going to be enjoying it next week, as well. It's a good time to take a day or a few to hang out with the kids and enjoy a little down time. And though I'm sure you have [...]

Where’s March Madness without Texas agriculture?

By Justin Walker Sixty-eight teams. Fourteen cities. Three weeks. March Madness is one of the most exciting times in the sporting world. College basketball fans from across the country will be watching anxiously on Sunday night to see if their team will be called. Next Tuesday, the madness begins. But preparation began long ago for [...]

Celebrating Texas Independence Day

By Jennifer Dorsett March 2, 1836. A day etched in Texas history. It’s the day Texas was declared a republic, despite the odds. It’s Texas Independence Day. That day Texas legends were born. Today, we honor those Texans, their independence and fortitude. We remember the Alamo. Remember Goliad. We celebrate the vision they fought so [...]