Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

Meet a Farmer

/Meet a Farmer

How to feel like a rancher

By Jennifer Dorsett Hunting and fishing guides, private chefs, hiking, paddling and fishing. Doesn’t sound like the lifestyle of many ranchers I know. But How to Feel Like a Ranch Owner for a Weekend, a story in Texas Monthly, seems to promise a transformative experience to readers. A chance to reconnect with nature and experience [...]

A Texas Turkey Day feast

Thanksgiving Day. Families and friends gather together to celebrate one another. And the blessings they’ve enjoyed over the past year. A time of food, fellowship and fun. And a day to be thankful. For the food on the table. And the food that nourishes our bodies all year long. Did you know essentials of the [...]

No two farms are alike and that’s okay

By Julie Tomascik T-shirts aren’t one-size-fits-all, so why should Texas agriculture be that way? The Lone Star State is uniquely different from the other 49 states in countless ways. Our state is growing exponentially as families relocate here, and oftentimes, we experience all four seasons in one day. Just as the people and weather are [...]

Big isn’t bad in agriculture

By Julie Tomascik Big is bad, right? It’s what we’ve been led to believe about agriculture. There seems to be a lot of talk about big farms squeezing out small farms. Big farmers not caring about their land or livestock. And big farmers not caring for the environment. But that’s not true. And big isn’t [...]

Get 5 dirty truths on agriculture

By Julie Tomascik Farming and ranching is tough work. Downright dirty at times. Those long hours on the tractor, in the pasture or in the shop aren’t for everyone. Only a few choose to do it—about 2 percent, actually. Most of them clock in at a young age and never retire. And you should know [...]