Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

Main Dishes

//Main Dishes

Main dish recipes to enjoy with your family and friends.

Baked Chicken

By Kelly Bogard A classic dinner recipe that never goes out of style? Baked chicken. Dress it up with sides like these green beans and potatoes. Or serve it as leftovers. Either way, the chicken is always the star of this home-cooked feast. And it's a perfect recipe for a beginner cook. Or the busy cooks [...]

Chicken Taquitos

By Kelly Bogard In Texas, football is king. From Friday night lights to Saturday tailgates, it's hard not to get caught up in the gridiron. And last weekend started yet another season of the boys of fall. That football fever brings an appetite—for the players and the fans! Dips, chips and wings will do. But [...]

Fish Tacos

By Kelly Bogard Fishing is a pretty big deal around these parts. And by parts, I pretty much mean the whole state of Texas. From fresh water rivers, lakes and coastal inlets, there's a ton of fishing that can happen in the warm summer months. It was during these hot months that I learned how [...]

July 15, 2016|Categories: Featured, Main Dishes, Recipes, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , |0 Comments

Stuffed Bell Peppers

By Kelly Bogard Roadside stands and farmers markets are the place to be this time of year. The sights, sounds and people make for a fun trip. And the tasty fruits, vegetables and goodies are the perfect take-aways! There’s a lot to love about Texas. And our abundance of farmers markets is one of them! [...]

Fiesta Chicken Salad

By Kelly Bogard Thanks to the crazy Texas weather over the past month, we've had quite a bit of rain. And the vegetation is really taking off in the central part of the state. Everything seems to be blooming all at once, making for some great colors and options at the grocery store. I like to get [...]