Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Fiesta Corn Dip

By Kelly Bogard I bet you have a few go-to recipes for a party, right?  Well I do, too.  And with the Fourth of July holiday being in the middle of the week, I wanted to make sure that the recipes I fix are quick, easy and, most of all, don't heat up my already warm [...]

June 28, 2013|Categories: Appetizers, Corn, Featured, Onions, Recipes, Vegetables|0 Comments

Grilled Radish

By Kelly Bogard Once a month I get together with some of my girlfriends for food and fellowship.  Sometimes we meet at a restaurant and other times we rotate homes.  This past month, it was my friend Jennifer's turn to host.  She is a very good cook, but with summer drawing closer, she asked her [...]

June 21, 2013|Categories: Featured, Recipes, Side Dishes, Vegetables|0 Comments

Bunny Cakes

By Kelly Bogard Hippity hop, hippity hop! It's time for that little cotton tail. And I know just what to make him or her, whatever the case may be. You may already have your Easter menu planned, but before you head to the grocery store, let me give you one more idea. Here's a sweet [...]

Stuffed Avocados

By Kelly Bogard March 20 was the official beginning of spring. The trees are budding, and the flowers are beginning to bloom. The summer vegetables are starting their journey. There is a spring fruit that's in full glory right now, though—the avocado. Right now, they are readily available and at a good price! Avocados  have some major [...]

March 22, 2013|Categories: Beef, Beef, Featured, Main Dishes, Recipes, Vegetables|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Atomic Mushrooms

By Kelly Bogard WARNING! This recipe is not for sensitive palates or small children. As you can see by the name, these little jewels are HOT. My sister's boyfriend, Scott, mentioned this recipe to me. It was something he tried after seeing mushrooms added to a crawfish boil, along with the other standard veggies (potatoes [...]

August 10, 2012|Categories: Appetizers, Recipes, Side Dishes, Vegetables|0 Comments