Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

Breads and Rolls

//Breads and Rolls

Back to Basics: Banana Nut Bread

By Kelly Bogard There's a nip in the air. Yes, I know it's not much and many of us have yet to put away our summer sandals around here, but, according to the calendar, there should be one. So for today, let's just pretend. One of my favorite things about fall is the chance to [...]

Stuffed French Toast

By Kelly Bogard There is this "love"ly holiday coming up called Valentine's Day.  It's a day for people to show and share their love with those who mean the most to them.  At my house, it also is my mother-in-law's birthday—which is perfect because we do love her so much.  What's not so cool is [...]

February 1, 2013|Categories: Breads and Rolls, Breakfast Dishes, Featured, Recipes|Tags: , |0 Comments

Baked Hush Puppies

By Kelly Bogard Summertime seems to be the season for fish frys. I think since the spring we have either been invited to or attended at least five. It is partly because the weather is perfect for fishing and also because the weather is right for cooking outside. I like fish ok, but what I'm [...]

July 20, 2012|Categories: Appetizers, Breads and Rolls, Recipes, Side Dishes|Tags: |2 Comments

Glazed Irish Soda Bread

By Kelly Bogard I spent quite a bit of time over the weekend trying to decide what I wanted to use for the blog recipe this week. I knew I wanted to go with something special for St. Patrick's Day, but then I was stumped. First, I thought about how it needed to be green. Then [...]

March 16, 2012|Categories: Breads and Rolls, Breakfast Dishes, Holiday Treats|Tags: , , |0 Comments