By Julie Vrazel
“I read it on the Internet, so it must be true.” Right?
Well, not exactly.
Misinformation and agenda-driven science is abundant online. But accurate, well-researched information is also available at your fingertips.
So, how do you know who to believe?
For me, it’s difficult to build trust in a group who blatantly asks for my money to support their cause. I’d rather trust someone who’s willing to build a relationship with me—with or without my money.
And farmers and ranchers want to do just that. They want to share their life on the farm with you and me. After all, it’s the fruits of their labor in our grocery stores and on our tables at home.
But, sadly, farmers and ranchers aren’t always used as credible sources of food information. Instead, consumers turn to activist groups that don’t have the appropriate background or knowledge of how food is grown and raised.
Local, natural, conventional, genetically modified foods—there are farmers who grow it.
Grass-fed or grain-fed—there are ranchers who raise it.
And they can tell you all about the process.
That’s why I trust farmers and ranchers when it comes to the food on my plate.
Who do you trust to give you the most accurate food information?
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