By Jessica Domel
Technology is a part of who we are as Americans. We use it to connect with family, friends and people we haven’t seen in years. Many of us also use it professionally to promote ourselves, our businesses and our industries. But when it comes to agriculture, many believe that “technology” and “change” are dirty words. They’re not.
Farmers and ranchers in the Lone Star State work day-in and day-out to grow quality and value for their consumers, no matter where they are. Farmers and ranchers may not wear a suit and tie every day, but they’re definitely businessmen and women. They watch their bottom line. They look carefully at the products they’re growing to ensure they’re safe and affordable for the rest of us.
Last week, I met a farmer in the Comanche area who decided to grow asparagus even though no one in his area was doing so. The AgriLife Extension agent in his area encouraged him to do so, and now Tommy provides baskets of fresh, locally-grown asparagus to the farmers’ market in his area several times a week. The consumers love it.
Last month, I met with a father and son near Lubbock who are working hard to improve what they do each and every day so they can conserve and preserve the natural resources available to them. One of the changes they made may have confused a few at the time, but it’s made sense to them. The Hoppers don’t till any of their soil, and they haven’t in years. They’ve also changed the way they run their irrigation system to conserve water. You can learn more about their farm in this TFB video.
Those are just two examples. Everywhere I go, every farmer I meet, is willing to responsibly grow a quality product, using scientifically proven methods, that is affordable for Texas families.
Lately, our Public Relations team has been traveled the state, talking to our farmers about utilizing social media to tell the stories of Texas agriculture. And they’re willing. Our farmers and ranchers are embracing technology and embracing change. They’re doing it to ensure Texans get what they want, whether it be more information about the foods they love or just a really good plate of asparagus.
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