By Jessica Domel
A few minutes of your time could have a lasting effect on you, your family, neighbors and even your community. All you have to do is spend that time wisely. I recommend you invest at your local polling location.
Sometimes there are long lines, many decisions to make and names on the ballot that you may not recognize. Do your homework. It’s important because the decision that you make determines who leads our communities, our state and our nation for the next two or four years.
I have friends from high school and college who don’t vote. They don’t believe that their voice actually matters. This has actually led to quite a few discussions about the power of the people at the polls.
It’s easy for me to understand. If you don’t vote, your family doesn’t vote and the people on your block don’t vote, someone else is selecting your next town councilman, mayor or even governor—people you don’t know, people who may not feel the same way about the issues that you do.
One vote can make a difference between an elected official who stands for what you believe, or someone who stands on the other side of the fence.
Are you willing to take that chance?
I’m not.
Let’s show our power at the polls this year. We may not get exactly what we want every election cycle, but at least we tried to make a difference.
Early voting is underway and will continue through Friday. Election Day is March 4.
It’s easy to find your polling place. Go to and click on the link that says “Find my polling place.”
Some of you have responded to Jessica’s well done piece with support or opposition to particular candidates. As much as we’d like to, we can’t have that discussion here. Only TFB AGFUND can endorse candidates and discussion of same can only take place on those spaces owned by AGFUND. To do otherwise with a TFB account is against the law. AGFUND stands by it’s endorsements and encourages all Texans to cast an informed ballot. Thanks! Gene Hall, Publisher
I tried to e-mail Jessica about her very well written piece on her get out the vote campaign. However this site would not let me e-mail anyone at TFB. Maybe I’m not signed up properly to work the e-mail here. Anyway, Thanks for the clarification. Kennedy Brown.