Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

Texas agriculture

/Tag:Texas agriculture

How do Texas farmers feed the world?

By Jessica Domel For years, I’ve heard “American farmers are feeding the world.” And I never really thought much about it. It makes sense to me. They grow food. People eat food. Done. But the logic of HOW this happens didn’t really hit home to me until this year when a pair of Texas rice [...]

Riding the agricultural roller coaster

By Julie Tomascik Up. Down. Around the turn. Fast. Then slow. Each roller coaster ride is a little bit different. And, even if you think you know what’s coming, you’re still in for a bit of a shock. It’s no different in farming and ranching. Each year, farmers and ranchers hop on and hang on. [...]

Lessons learned at the end of a country road

By Julie Tomascik A walk. A ride. Or a drive. It doesn’t matter how. Just take a trip down a country road. One that is uneven, challenging and demanding. A bumpy road paved with lessons in life. And the twists and turns that come with it. Something that’s all too familiar for Texas farm and [...]

What’s the beef with beef?

By Jessica Domel Beef. It is STILL what's for dinner in my home. I’ve seen a plethora of news stories and online posts sensationalizing a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization, that claims processed meats like bacon could cause cancer. These reports go on to say [...]

October 27, 2015|Categories: Beef, Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Fall on the farm

By Julie Tomascik Crisp mornings. Changing colors. And a buzz of urgency and excitement hang in the air. It’s fall on the farm. When farmers and ranchers are hurrying to harvest crops. Or get the seeds of next year in the ground. It may seem early, but the first snow of the year is seen [...]