Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Grocery Price Watch: Why the rise in food prices?

By Julie Vrazel I keep a close eye on food prices—mostly for my budget, but also for Texas Farm Bureau’s Grocery Price Watch survey. And I know you closely watch your family’s grocery budget, too. Based on the survey’s second quarter results, Texans paid $47.57—on average—for a basket of 16 staple food items. This price is [...]

Rain: A blessing, not a curse

By Jessica Domel The way we Texans react to rainfall is amusing. My Twitter feed ranges from complaints about forgotten umbrellas, wet shoes and freshly-washed cars to heavenly praises, overwhelming gratitude and relief. I see both sides of the coin. I don’t like having wet socks. I don’t like sporting the wet cat look at [...]

May 27, 2014|Categories: Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Farmers and ranchers are gardeners, too

By Julie Vrazel A short drive to the outskirts of town can lead you to a whole new world. Highways and paved roads turn to gravel, lined with fields full of wheat, corn, soybeans and more. Wheat is turning a golden color and corn is rapidly reaching for the sky—signs that summer is fast approaching. [...]

‘Farmland’: A film for people who love food

By Jessica Domel As the movie ended and the lights came up, the people in our Houston movie theater began to clap. They left the theater smiling saying, “What a great film!” and “When will this be available on DVD?” One gentleman even stopped to ask me if he could show the film to high [...]

Meet a Texas asparagus farmer: Tommy Elliott

By Jessica Domel Driving down the rural roads of Comanche County, it’s almost easy to miss the vibrant green spears of asparagus growing in farmer Tommy Elliott’s fields. Their short stature pales in comparison to the peach trees blooming nearby, but that doesn’t affect Elliott’s appreciation for the crop or the care that they’re given. [...]