Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

ag education

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Flat Friends help students engage with Texas agriculture

By Jessica Domel For the past few weeks, 23 elementary school students from the San Antonio area have followed me throughout my day-to-day life, learning about Texas agriculture. But instead of having the children board a bus each day, our connection is made digitally thanks to an eight-inch tall man with a bright red tie. [...]

Do potatoes grow on trees?

By Jessica Domel Have you ever had a moment that made you stop, think and shake the cobwebs out of your mind before answering? As a farm girl, I frequently have those moments. You see, people like to ask me questions about where their food comes from. And I love to answer. Normally, the answers [...]

An education beyond the book

By Jessica Domel One of my biggest regrets in life is that I never learned how to weld or work wood when I had the opportunity. I was fortunate enough to attend a high school that offered the classes, I just never had the time, or quite frankly, the desire to take them as a [...]