Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Trade, immigration, taxes: Do lawmakers care what we think?

By Jessica Domel Our state and national lawmakers are back in office and already making changes that can affect us now and well into the future. But do they really care what we think? The short answer is yes. Of course they do. Why? Because without us–the voters–our lawmakers may or may not return to [...]

Farmers’ Pork Chops

By Kelly Bogard Have you ever sat down and really thought about where your food comes from? In the United States, we have the luxury of grocery stores close to our homes with plenty of options for even the pickiest of eaters. But where did that food really come from? It comes from people just [...]

Animal rights activists shut down the circus

By Julie Tomascik The Greatest Show On Earth will fold up its tent for the final time in May. Marking the end of a 146-year tour that brought animals and a captivating experience to life under the Big Top. The circus’ storied history will come to an end after facing a tough few years. No [...]


By Kelly Bogard January is National Baking Month. And for some of us, it's like getting an extra holiday after the holidays. Baking can be therapeutic. It’s a creative outlet, stimulates the senses and serves as nourishment. The smells that fill the kitchen are an added bonus. And baking for entertaining, well, that’s where we get [...]

No rest for a stock show kid

By Landee Kieschnick The smell of freshly groomed shavings. Warm coffee in your hand. And a new starched shirt just waiting to be worn. Can you guess what time of the year it is? You guessed it—stock show season! I know, for me, stock show season was a lot of work—for many months straight! Not [...]

Broccoli Almondine

By Kelly Bogard Are you on a mission to eat a little healthier this year? I know I am. And you're probably thinking about eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, right? Me, too. But what happens when the same old recipes become boring and uninteresting? It gets tougher to get the kiddos to eat the [...]