Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.


/Jennifer Whitlock

About Jennifer Whitlock

Field Editor I love the smell of rain hitting hot red dirt, a sunset view from the porch and the melt-in-your-mouth taste of a piece of moist brisket. I love everything about Texas, plain and simple.

What does it mean to ‘eat healthy?’

By Jennifer Dorsett For many of us, healthy eating was one of our top New Year’s resolutions. But what does that really mean? To me, it’s nutrition and moderation and not based on a trendy label. Now, I’m not a dietitian or a nutritionist. But I do know that most foods are good in moderation. [...]

January 16, 2018|Categories: Featured, Texas Agriculture|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Christmas wouldn’t be the same without Texas agriculture

By Jennifer Dorsett Ah, Christmas. A time to celebrate. A time of togetherness. A time to stop and be thankful for all the good in our lives. This year, I’m especially thankful for Texas farmers and ranchers. I’m always grateful to them. But as I put a little more thought into it, I realized just [...]

Dorsett joins Texas Table Top team

By Jennifer Dorsett When I think back to my childhood, the scent I remember most is the blast of dirt blowing out of the air vents every time my dad started his truck. It’s a nose-tingling, lightly cough-inducing, earthy smell. You can’t get it from any other vehicle besides one that’s spent lots of time [...]