By Amanda Hill
Last Wednesday marked the end of a Texas legend—Dublin Dr Pepper. The iconic soda, made with pure cane sugar, has stopped production after more than 100 years of bottling. It was a sad day in Texas.
Dublin Dr Pepper was truly iconic. If you’ve ever traveled to the charming town of Dublin, it was like stepping back in time. I visited the Dublin Dr Pepper Bottling Company a few years ago. The soda fountain and bottling company really did feel like a little piece of Texas history. One sip of the special blend, and you were transported to a simpler time.
Although the days of Dublin Dr Pepper have come to an end, you can still visit the historic bottling company—now called Dublin Bottling Works. But, if you missed out on a visit to Texas’ oldest Dr Pepper bottler, check out this video profile that we put together a while back.
For those of us who loved the iconic soft drink, we’ll miss that special, sweet taste of Dublin Dr Pepper. And if you happen to have a stash hidden at your house, I hope you have enough to enjoy at 10, 2 and 4.
*Click here to watch a complete video story on Dublin, Texas.
you will be missed !
Nice post, I will likely come back to visit.