Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

local food

/Tag:local food

Do you salsa like we salsa?

By Nathan Smith I was recently in Stephenville, Texas, eating at a hole-in-the-wall Mexican café with some friends, and we started talking about salsa. We debated what made a good salsa, how spicy, what color, consistency, etc. After agreeing to disagree, we settled on the fact that salsa was indeed a big part of Texican [...]

August 2, 2011|Categories: Texas Products|Tags: , , , , |14 Comments

I may be a ‘locavore’

By Amanda Hill Remember in school when you learned about carnivores, omnivores and herbivores? Those terms always made me think of dinosaurs, rather than dietary preferences. But in the past few months, I’ve been wondering if I’m a different kind of dinosaur—a “locavore.” I’ve heard several people describe locavores as people who eat local food. [...]