Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

Texas Holidays

/Texas Holidays

What do Texas farmers and ranchers want for Christmas?

Farmers and ranchers have made their Christmas lists. Will Santa deliver?

December 22, 2020|Categories: Featured, Texas Agriculture, Texas Holidays|1 Comment

Get free printable gift tags

Dress up your gifts with our free printable gift tags. Download them from Texas Table Top.

December 18, 2020|Categories: Christmas, Featured, Texas Holidays|Tags: , , , |8 Comments

Tacos begin on a farm

By Julie Tomascik Any day of the week. Any meal. Any time. Tacos are one of the foods that trump the dinner plate in Texas. And even more so on Taco Tuesday. But any day is a good day for tacos.  Did you know? You can’t have tacos without Texas farmers and ranchers. The ingredients [...]

Texas farmers grow Christmas cheer with poinsettias

By Jennifer Dorsett Field Editor Christmas trees, holly, mistletoe, poinsettias—so many of our Christmas traditions are rooted in agriculture. Literally. And we’re lucky to live in a state with diverse agricultural production. Texas farmers grow Christmas trees and poinsettias in addition to our traditional crops like corn, wheat and cotton. Did you know about 150 [...]

Halloween starts on the farm

Candy, costumes and corn mazes. Oh my, it could be a spooky surprise! It’s fall, and Texans are ready for holiday frights and those sweet, tasty delights. But it wouldn’t be possible without Texas agriculture. Although Halloween traditions have evolved over time, many are still similar, and agriculture has always played a role. The glow [...]