Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

Grocery Price Watch

/Tag:Grocery Price Watch

Grocery Price Watch: Food prices keep rising

By Julie Vrazel Budget, budget, budget. It’s an all-too familiar word in my house with a wedding less than two months away and winter feed bills for the cows just around the corner. But a large part of my usual monthly expenses isn’t directly related to our wedding or cattle. It’s my weekly trips to [...]

Grocery Price Watch: Why the rise in food prices?

By Julie Vrazel I keep a close eye on food prices—mostly for my budget, but also for Texas Farm Bureau’s Grocery Price Watch survey. And I know you closely watch your family’s grocery budget, too. Based on the survey’s second quarter results, Texans paid $47.57—on average—for a basket of 16 staple food items. This price is [...]