Non-GMO. Biotech free. All natural. Seems like shoppers are bombarded with a host of food labels enticing us with the latest buzzword. But how many labels tell the truth about what’s in our food?

I see foods labeled “GMO free” when I know there was no GMO in the product to begin with. It’s a marketing gimmick, pure and simple. And it’s misleading. As consumers, we deserve better than that.

I’ve done some research on the topic, and here’s what I’ve found:

Only eight crops from genetically-modified seeds are commercially available in the United States. They are field and sweet corn, soybeans, cotton, canola, alfalfa, sugar beets, papaya and squash. Varieties of both apples and potatoes have been approved and are reportedly coming to market soon.

There are rumors about the creation and use of biotech seeds for other crops. But today, that’s our list.

That doesn’t mean that GMOs are only in corn, sugar beets, papaya and squash. These products, like hundreds of others, as used in the creation of other foods.

Corn is used to create cornstarch as well as corn and vegetable oil. Cottonseed oil is in a number of products, including potato chips. Soybeans are used to create oil, soy flour and soy protein.

GMOs are in so many products that Hope Hart, the technical leader for product safety at Syngenta, writes: “Seventy to 80 percent of the food on grocery store shelves likely contain processed ingredients from GM plants.”

Now, I don’t have a problem with eating foods that are genetically-modified. Science tells me they are just as healthy for me as other foods. They’re more affordable. And over a trillion meals later, not a single person has become sick as the result of eating GMOs.

If you’re concerned about what’s in your food, I suggest you turn the box around and look at the ingredients list. It’s there to tell you the truth about what’s in your food–not sell you a product based on the catch phrase of the day.