By Jessica Domel
The truth. We all claim to want it. We say we give it. We even profess our need for it. But in actuality, how many of us actively seek the truth?
People tell me all the time they want the truth when it comes to their food.
They want to know what’s going on with what they’re eating.
I get that.
I want to know what I’m putting into my body as well.
But I often find that many people aren’t looking for the truth. They’re looking for their own version of a truth or, rather, something that confirms what they already believe.
Thanks to the internet, it’s not hard to do anymore.
There are self-proclaimed “experts” from every field on the internet shouting out “truths.”
Put in a little bit of time researching these so-called “truths” and you’ll begin to wonder what really is the truth when it comes to our food.
For me, I believe the men and women who grow the food I buy and eat. I’ve been to their farms and ranches. I’ve met their kids, their employees and seen the care they give their animals and crops.
When farmer Curt Mowery tells me he trusts his biotech sweet corn so much he’d eat it straight out of the field, I see the truth and passion in his eyes.
He’s not professing a false truth on the internet. He’s simply telling his story.
There are hundreds of other proud Texans and Americans who would love to tell you their story–the truth–about your food whether it’s organic or traditionally-grown.
They don’t make the money Dr. Oz and others make. But they make your food. And for me, that is what means the most.
So before you hit “share” on the next food story or fib that graces your social media timeline, consider the source. The truth is out there, friends. But like farming, a little digging is sometimes required.
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