Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.

American Dietary Guidelines

/Tag:American Dietary Guidelines

Choosing balance. Ditching crazy resolutions.

By Jessica Domel We talk a lot about eating healthy–especially this time of the year. We start off a new year with a renewed spirit and a greater desire to be better than we’ve ever been. New year. New you. It’s wonderful to wake up one day with this great sense of hope surging through [...]

No more meat?

By Julie Tomascik What if we lived in a world without steaks, pork loin and chicken? Tender roasts, smoked ham and turkey legs? I'd be disappointed and hungry. That's for sure. But kids may not know these good-for-you, tasty proteins if a dietary advisory committee has their way. Every five years, the U.S. Department of [...]