Texas Table Top—Celebrating the foods, places and people of the Lone Star State.



Strawberries & Cream Stuffed French Toast

By Kelly Bogard Being a mom is the most rewarding job I've ever had. I get to help shape and mold a little person into a responsible adult. I get to be there for the fun times. But also when she is sad. I get to kiss boo-boos and make costumes for school plays. What [...]

Fruit Sorbet

By Kelly Bogard It's harvest time in Texas! We love watching our farmer members harvest the benefits of a season of hard work. We visited some amazing farmers this summer and brought back some fantastic treats. This week, I get to work with some of the bounty. Pretty peaches and beautiful blackberries to be exact. And what [...]

Mini Fruit Pizzas

By Kelly Bogard Summer's here. And so is the abundance of fresh fruit. Lots of local berries—even more exotic fruits grown in far away places—make it to my kitchen this time of year. I'm keeping plenty on hand. Because it's great for snacks. Especially when the kiddos play outside until the street lights come on. I [...]

Strawberry Spinach Salad

By Kelly Bogard Bluebonnets. Baby calves. Telltale signs of spring in the Lone Star State. But the sticky sweetness and slight tartness of Texas strawberries lets my taste buds know spring has truly sprung. Bite, slice or dip. Strawberries are just plain delicious. And a crate full arrived at our office last week from longtime farmer Cora [...]

Strawberry Shortcake

By Kelly Bogard Mother Nature has a weird sense of humor. Just as I was getting ready for the warmer weather, the snow came. Big, white, fluffy flakes covered Waco and the TFB state office on Wednesday. The snow reminded me of whipped cream as it piled delicately on the ground. That, of course, got my foodie [...]